Scrum Master Professional Certificate (SMPC)® – On Demand

El participante podrá obtener la certificación internacional SMPC®, habiendo comprendido aspectos fundamentales de la cultura ágil y todos los destalles del Marco de Trabajo Scrum El curso puede ser realizado en los días y horarios que tu definas e incluye casos de estudio y simuladores de exámenes.

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Scrum Master Professional Certificate (SMPC)® – On Demand


⦁ Allows consultation with PMLA specialists.
⦁ The student manages his time.
⦁ Allows you to watch the videos from any device and place.
⦁ Provides a status of the progress of the course at all times.
⦁ Provides all the information needed to obtain SMPC® certifications.
⦁ Includes international exam.
⦁ The student can access the platform for a period of 90 days.

The course covers the topics necessary for the participant to take the international certification exam (Scrum Master Professional Certificate)®, included in the proposal.
From the PMLA Online Educational Platform, all the material, videos, dynamics, study cases, class questions and exam simulators are provided.


Value proposal

The speed with which technological change occurs has created business environments characterized by an abundance of value propositions that are updated very quickly and try to satisfy the changing desires of each client. To respond to this challenge, organizations are strongly adopting methodologies with agile approaches, since traditional predictive methodologies are not usually efficient in environments of change and uncertainty.
The preparation course for the Scrum Master Professional Certificate Certification, gives participants a clear idea of ​​the Agile work culture and the Scrum framework, so that they can learn about its main processes, tools, roles, responsibilities and work dynamics and obtain the international SMPC® certification.


Who is this course for?

Product managers, R&D team leaders and members, project leaders, project management team members, area leaders and work team leaders. It is also useful for managers and middle managers who are leading organizational changes in the companies they work for.

Work methodology

The participant from the comfort of the place they choose will be able, through the PMLA educational platform, to access the classes, the questions, the exam simulators and the study cases. The course was designed and produced to measure, for On Demand training. These are short videos that the student can pause, go back and listen to again as many times as they want, from the place and device of their choice. This allows you to make the most of your available time, being you who sets the training agenda, based on your needs and preferences.


Thematic summary

⦁ Introduction to agile approaches
⦁ When and why agile approaches?
⦁ Manifesto and Agile Principles
⦁ Values ​​and Pillars of Scrum
⦁ Cinefyn Framework – Domain Types
⦁ Elements of the Scrum framework
⦁ Roles, Responsibilities and Interaction
⦁ Business Justification
⦁ Artifacts of Scrum
⦁ Product Backlog
⦁ Sprint Backlogs
⦁ Product Increase
⦁ Scrum Events
⦁ Daily Scrum
⦁ Sprint Review
⦁ Retrospective
⦁ Refinement of the Product Backlog
⦁ Evolutionary Development
⦁ User Story
⦁ Agile Estimates
⦁ Customer request
⦁ Project Vision Statement
⦁ Kick-off
⦁ Agile Inception


Materials included in the course

Students will have access to the PMLA Online Educational Platform (PMLA Learning Platform), where they will be able to access the videos, as well as the dynamics, case studies, class questions and the exam simulator. They will also be able to access The Definitive Guide to Scrum.

Certification exam

The course includes the international certification exam, which is guaranteed by CertiProf® international, the governing organization of this certification.


More information