
of 7 products
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    Comprehensive solution platform that is installed directly on the institution’s servers, facilitating asset laundering prevention processes and proper regulatory compliance required by regulatory agents.

    With more than 18 years of applied experience in Banks, Financial Institutions and Central Banks in Latin America, Cumplo360 Corporate stands out for its solidity in technology and functionalities, positioning itself today as a strong platform in the market for Compliance in the financial field.

    Por Devsys

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    ENAXIS is a collaborative software that provides technological support for integrated ISO and GMP management systems, among other internationally recognized and used regulatory frameworks. It is a highly usable web application, compatible with all browsers, customizable for each client, multilanguage, highly configurable and integrable with other systems. ENAXIS makes it possible to speed up times and improve the processes of Document Management, Audits, Strategic Management, Projects, Findings and Complaints, among others. The traceability is guaranteed through an Audit Trail, providing information transparency and visibility.

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    FINARGY is a collaborative financial platform that allows a consortium or group of Financial Entities to reduce operating costs, increase market coverage and maximize customer experience.

    FINARGY enables Financial Entities to collaborate for KYC, Scoring, Document Notarization processes and, in turn, attract new customers to the ecosystem through a financial products Marketplace.


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    OnBase is an ECM / document management solution that streamlines processes at the department level, yet has the ability to easily scale across the bank. It has the ability to integrate with important systems for the bank, as well as with any new technology.

    It meets ECM requirements, in addition to having functionality that far exceeds the standard of other ECMs. OnBase also provides case management, business process management (BPM) and capture technologies on the same platform, which can be extended with File Synchronization and Sharing Solution ShareBase. The OnBase platform can be integrated with an existing environment, deployed for use on mobile devices, and available either on-premises or in the cloud.

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    PSMLA  is a web application and backend software system that analyzes electronic transactions of various kinds. It is used to monitor transactions and detect suspicious patterns related to various forms of Money Laundering.

    The PSAML system is all-inclusive: it allows for monitoring, reporting, blacklisting, execution of workflows, population segmentation and for the creation of risk rating matrices, all unified in the same system, thereby optimizing all the management of compliance departments in financial entities.



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    PSFraud is a web application / backend system that uses which can respond in real time to the threat of fraud. PSFraud uses sophisticated mathematical and classification (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning) technology that provides self-learning capabilities. Additionally, PSFraud incorporates different best known computing techniques, combining them in the most efficient way in order to produce better external fraud detection rates on multiple channels with lower alert levels.

    The learning capacity allows to continuously update the profile of each consumer or of an analysis object whose pattern you are looking for. It does this to assimilate the knowledge of the consumer or object and to automatically update the rules and parameters necessary to stop the problem. Predisoft’s analysts, however, are regularly reviewing the analysis results with your specialized staff with the aim of making sure the efficiency level is always optimal.

    Predisoft has also specialized PSFraud for internal fraud detection purposes with PSFraud-Internal, and has also offers an authorizer level solution with PSFraudAuthorizer.


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    PSAML is a web application that runs on servers communicating with Bantotal’s Banking Core. PSAML is a robust solution which monitors your institution’s electronic transactions looking for suspicious behavior, thereby complying with your anti-legitimization / anti-money laundering program, under the concept of an all-in-one system.

    The PSAML computer application has had years of development and increasingly offers more and more features that make it innovative, complete and effective.

    Both with a simple and friendly design, with a effective architecture, as well as with computational-mathematical technology specialized in profiling and atypicality detection, and together with best practices and expert knowledge, the tool is capable of alerting transactions and suspicious behavior. Suspicious cases can be investigated in detail employing any number of personnel throughout the organization, employing a general workflow sub-system.

    Additionally, Predisoft has a mathematical laboratory for data analysis, where we perform segmentation and profiling processes in addition to collaborating with the creation of risk rating matrices for both customers and products.

