
of 10 products
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    alveoCCM Generator is a tool that allows you to generate a company’s contractual documents in an agile and simple way.
    It complements market solutions for the design and advanced generation of documents, giving legal and business users control of the library and generation of content in contracts.
    The documents are generated in PDF format in real time, facilitating their incorporation into the digital hiring and onboarding circuits of organizations.

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    Accion Point

    Accion Point is a technology company specialized in the development, configuration and implementation of business solutions based on information technology, helping its clients discover new paths in the era of Digital Transformation. It provides consulting services, custom software development and application maintenance for different industries.

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    AP Wallet+

    AP Wallet+ is a white label B2B digital wallet with a built-in loan module, backed by the robustness of being done through the leading core banking software platform in Latin America: Bantotal.

    We devised AP Wallet+ to boost the business of Banks, Fintech, Financial Institutions, Loan Institutions, Retail Chains, Cooperatives and Mutuals, Insurers, Companies or organizations that involve user groups.

    The AP Wallet+ B2B digital wallet is modular, allowing the use of the modules that best fit the business model of the company or organization: OnBoarding, Wallet, Loans, Cryptocurrencies, BackOffice Web.

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    Banking Accelerator

    Framework developed and implemented by Axxon Consulting that accelerates the production of Business Solutions for Financial Services covering the areas of Customers, Sales, Services and Products, taking advantage of the inherent capabilities of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Platform and Power Platform.

    Por Axxon

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    Clarive is the end-to-end DevOps platform to accelerate your continuous delivery and automate every step in your delivery process between Bantotal and their client, being able to keep total traceability of your changes through the lifecycle.


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    Customer Engagement

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE) is a leading enterprise customer relationship management (CRM) solution. Implemented by Axxon Consulting, it is cloud-based and drives sales productivity, improves the value of your marketing efforts through insights, business intelligence, and streamlines campaign management.

    Por Axxon

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    GeneXus Consulting

    Financial institutions need to protect their information assets, incorporating best security practices into their applications and business solutions during the early stages of the implementation process. This process is an ongoing one because of constantly renewing threats.

    GeneXus Consulting specializes in identifying risks relevant to applications and mitigating them effectively, implementing security practices into their development and implementation lifecycles, from planning stages up to their release, and detecting and addressing application vulnerabilities in production

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    An experienced team of specialized professionals from IncluIT provide the Quality Assurance Service to guarantee that your Bantotal implementation will meet the expectations of your clients, with the flexibility and need for adaptation that the Fintech market requires.

    We provide a versatile service that adapts to the needs of each project, with the possibility of expanding its scope at any time during implementation. We have multiple experiences both in Financial Markets and in the most recent trends in the World of Testing.

    With agile methodological bases, we incorporate ourselves into the organizational culture of our clients, forming a “One Team” and offering a service that works from the establishment to the maintenance of the requirements, to develop or manufacture reliable products. It is intended to increase the trust of the end customer and the credibility of the company, while improving work processes and efficiency.

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    Market Risk

    Calculate interest rate capital requirements, according to time structure of the institution’s assets and liabilities, analyzing the different rates, currencies and products in which the institution does business.


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    With this solution FacePhi provides a novel and very comfortable alternative for mobile banking users since they only have to take a selfie with their smartphone to access their bank accounts or operate in them.
    Selphi® also guarantees high security in any operation, incorporating a liveness filter. With this technology it is able to distinguish between a photograph and the person in front of the mobile device.
    This innovative technology improves the user experience effortlessly, simply by using the camera of the mobile device to take a selfie, thus becoming its method of identification and interaction with the bank’s mobile application.
