

alveoCCM is a software platform intended to manage and optimize the customer
communication process in financial institutions.

The platform processes the whole set of bank’s communications with its clients. For this
purpose, all communication channels available in the company are used, always in accordance
with the legal issues and communication preferences of the clients.

The infrastructure is fully integrated with Bantotal core banking. Communications linked to
bank core operations (settlement notices, bank statements, transaction receipts, operations
alerts, etc.) are managed and distributed through the CCM Alveo system, without developing
cost-consuming customized interfaces.

alveoCCM brings added value to Bantotal users, such as global tracking of communications,
cost savings and easy implementation of new digital channels.
In addition, Bantotal core banking users can use a comprehensive set of services provided by
alveoCCM, including communication capture, monitoring and recovery from other alternate
channels or corporate systems.

  • ,

    alveoCCM Generator is a tool that allows you to generate a company’s contractual documents in an agile and simple way.
    It complements market solutions for the design and advanced generation of documents, giving legal and business users control of the library and generation of content in contracts.
    The documents are generated in PDF format in real time, facilitating their incorporation into the digital hiring and onboarding circuits of organizations.

alveoCCM is a software platform intended to manage and optimize the customer
communication process in financial institutions.

The platform processes the whole set of bank’s communications with its clients. For this
purpose, all communication channels available in the company are used, always in accordance
with the legal issues and communication preferences of the clients.

The infrastructure is fully integrated with Bantotal core banking. Communications linked to
bank core operations (settlement notices, bank statements, transaction receipts, operations
alerts, etc.) are managed and distributed through the CCM Alveo system, without developing
cost-consuming customized interfaces.

alveoCCM brings added value to Bantotal users, such as global tracking of communications,
cost savings and easy implementation of new digital channels.
In addition, Bantotal core banking users can use a comprehensive set of services provided by
alveoCCM, including communication capture, monitoring and recovery from other alternate
channels or corporate systems.


  • The alveoCCM platform optimizes the end-to-end distribution of communications to
    customers in financial institutions:
  • Provides a standardized interface for capturing communications to clients from
    business applications.
  • Allows the management of different types of communications, from documents and
    messages, to multimedia objects.
  • Includes all communication channels with customers, traditional physicists such as
    postal mail, also enhancing the different digital channels available in each entity
    (email, sms, push notifications, …).
    Includes a user interface in multi-device technology, for the administration of the
    communications catalog of the entity, and the tracking and traceability of shipments
    by each channel.
  • Tracks the communications sent to clients by any channel and provides inquires and
    analytical information.
  • Manages non-urgent communications, grouping documents packages to reduce to
    minimum document delivery and transport costs.
  • Optimizes advertising campaigns and personalized marketing treatments.
  • Creates the interfaces to each delivery channel, according to specific requirements of
    printing centers or digital channels.


alveoCCM ensures tracking and detailed follow-up of each single communications sent by the
bank, providing user-centric and multichannel vision.

The architecture of the system greatly facilitates the scalability to future customer
communication channels, reusing common items of design and message generation, tracking
log of documents and messages and connectors with third-party systems.

Empowers the use of new and inexpensive digital communication channels, improving an
innovative and dynamic corporate image, while guaranteeing legal compliance in
communications with customers.

The optimization of non-urgent communications is based in cost-saving criteria, taking
advantage of envelopes currently sent to customers to add complementary information.
Customer specific services like duplicates, report summaries, etc. can be easily monetized as
added value services.

Operational risk in communications with clients is minimized, with quality control tools and
immediate blocking of possible erroneous information.

The platform is now operative in leading financial institutions with highly demanding business
requirements and is frequently updated with new releases, including enhancements and
experience-based sectorial improvements.


The álveoCCM platform can be run in two modes: batch execution mode and real time

Running in batch mode is the appropriate option for mass treatment of communications, in
which instant communication is not a requirement.

In this execution mode, the platform guarantees high performance for large volumes and a
deferred delivery management model that reduces distribution costs.

Some cases when the batch mode of execution is appropriate include sending account
statements, monthly clearing of credit cards, notifications of interests and advertising mailings,
among others.

The interfaces provided by the alveo CCM platform in deferred execution mode are mainly
files and batches in pdf format (for printing and post mailing), or in XML (for example, for
distribution via email).

On the other hand, execution in real time mode helps instantly managing communications on
demand. The real time option is especially addressed for messages sent through digital

The real time option is used, for example, to send warnings about operations (debit on
accounts, credit card operations, account overdrafts, security threats, etc.). Also it is a useful
tool for digitally signed contracts requesting an immediate copy sent to all parties involved..