SAC is a specialized platform to optimize the operational collection management of any financial institution. With SAC, entities will be able to integrate automated processes through all management channels (digital/human/bots)

Why we are your business partner:

  1. Collection experts
  2. International presence in 10 countries in Latin America
  3. Robotic collection management (Chat bot–Call bot)
  4. Integration of digital channels (SMS, Email, Letters, IVR calls)
  5. Development of statistical models (Scores)
  6. Business models adaptable to each client (On premise, SaaS, lease)
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What is SAC?

SAC is the most complete technology platform, designed to facilitate and automatize debt collection processes.

Main Benefits:

  1. Extensive ways to customize any kind of debt collection strategies
  2. Easy and friendly interface for defining segmentation and allocation criteria
  3. Innovative debt collection processes with the use of bots
  4. Cost reduction through digital and massive debt collection strategies
  5. Integration of all stages of the debt collection process (preventive, administrative, pre-legal, legal)
  6. Integrated functionality for legal-stage debt collection

SAC features



Omnichannel Management



Management modules




Our experience


  • Around 60 customers in the region
  • Twelve banks in Latin America with more than 15 million credit operations carry out their debt collection processes with SAC.
  • Utilities companies with more than 6 million customers, manage preventive and pre-legal debt collection with SAC and the debt collection bot (Virtual Agent).
  • ​Debt collection agencies, carry out daily collection processes in all stages, from preventive collection to legal collection.






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