Data Migration Control


When implementing a new system it is essential to validate the migrated information. At CPA Ferrere we have methodologies and tools that permit analyzing the quality of this information, as well as to lay out an action plan for correction and quality improvement.

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Data Migration Control
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    The Software Quality Assurance (SQA) service of CPA FERRERE with a business perspective focus allows its clients to ensure software quality and efficiency, minimize process implementation times, and cut costs associated with error detection and correction.


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    Analyze funds requirements for different moments in time, according to the time structure of the institution’s assets and liabilities, analyzing the different currencies and products in which the institution does business.


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    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a way to automatically process typically repetitive and operating rule-based activities. This robot software is used to capture and interpret transactions using IT applications and Artificial Intelligence, data manipulation and communication across different systems without affecting them.

    CPA Ferrere offers its own differential methodology using a multi-dimension approach, based on knowledge of technology, business and its processes, internal control, administration and finance, as well as accounting.

    That methodology, combined with the technological quality of our partner Automation Anywhere, allows us to jointly provide services/products adapted to the needs of each banking organization. We analyze, restructure and automate your processes/activities, generating significant savings, thereby redirecting the labor force and accompanying the organization on its digital transformation.



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    Market Risk

    Calculate interest rate capital requirements, according to time structure of the institution’s assets and liabilities, analyzing the different rates, currencies and products in which the institution does business.


Data migration is normally a complex process for different reasons, involving not only a simple copy of information, and having a significant impact within the organization and hence on its clients.

Some of these causes derive from handling large volumes of data, limitation of necessary information, definition of criteria to be applied for appropriate processing, source data formats that do not match target, as well as an adequate analysis of the final results of the process.

Without adequate control and followup process, these situations can give rise to greater efforts, longer times, and hence higher costs for an organization.

Knowledge of financial sector operations along with our experience in control and procedure automation are our chief strength.

CPA Ferrere has a team of consultants specializing in handling the Bantotal tool as well as in banking operations, with special emphasis on accounting administration and Central Bank rules.

Our Data Migration service focuses on the data migrations faced by an organization, providing control by using automatic processes, with emphasis on process efficiency, total controls over the entire migration phase, and performing an accounting and functional analysis of the results.

Balance, inventory, qualitative data and quantitative data, persons and clients are some of the controls that are necessary to perform in any migration.

We have our own data processing software (CPAQuery) that allows the end user to work together with MS Office using a friendly and ease to execute product without additional license costs.

As backend our processes use own development applications together with office applications, and are characterized by:

  • Compatibility with multiple sources
  • Direct execution from Microsoft Excel
  • Usability / Rapid assimilation by user
  • Handle large volumes of information.

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