¿Qué es DoMUS?
DoMUS® is the Document Management Solution developed by Arnaldo C. Castro S.A., which optimizes the management of information and maximizes the operability of your company.
Each area of the organization will have access to relevant information instantly, being able to store and consult different types of documents according to the need for management.
DoMUS® organizes all the documents in the right place, effectively contributing to corporate decision-making, providing tools for the management and digitization of documents in different areas, adapting to your documentary processes, size, structure and volume of information.
DoMUS®  Solution Modules
The DoMUS®  Solution consists of several Modules, which can be added according to the requirements. In this way, all the Functionalities that support the Document Management and Digitalization Processes of a company or organization can be covered, regardless of its size or the volume of information to be stored.
It offers procedures for Loading, Sorting and Consulting documents, defining safety policies, and configuring structures, so that all different users can access them efficiently and amicably according to their roles.
With the DoMUS® solution, internal users and external customers of your organization can access the documentation your organization defines, with just a click.
The Fastest and Most Efficient Way to Find Your Important Documents
DoMUS® contributes with the preservation of the environment and helps avoid unnecessary paper costs, encouraging the removal of copies and prints. Paper costs are one of the main reasons for the take of weeding in the world. DoMUS® helps prevent this waste, not only in terms of paper, but also avoiding the energy and water costs.
Main Benefits
Currently, the volume, complexity and diversity of structured and unstructured information that a Company manages have induced organizations to rely on Document Mangement tools and solutions to optimize their processes and preserve vitally important information.
Documents are essential to all types and sizes of organizations. Tens, hundred or thousands of new documents are created every day in your Company.
Think about what happens to those original documents of great importance that must be preserved and result damaged by the passage of time or by the conditions in which they are archived, adding the time and money that need to be invested in its search and recovery.
However, the preservation and safekeeping of your documents is not the only inconvenience you face:
Do you know how much time and money your organization invests in the search and retrieval of documents?
The equation is easy: think about how much the work hour of your professionals is worth, multiply it by the monthly hours that the search for such documentation takes, then you will have an idea of the time and money you will be wasting.
Taking into account the aforementioned challenged and knowing that the documents of your company or organization are of vital importance, DoMUS®  is suggested as a integral Document Management Solution that orginazes, controls, describes, indexes and categorizes electronic documents in a practical and intelligent way, providing quick acces to it through an attractive, friendly and easy-to-use interface.
Through digitalization, your organization will not only achieve the benefits of eliminating paper as a support for information (gaining physical space and avoiding risks of losing valuable documentation), but it will also increase its security through allocation of permissions to roles, users and groups that may have 24 hour Access, everyday.
Which are the benefits given to Banks?
The institutions that trusted our solution include Banks, Cooperatives and Mutuals of Savings and Credit, Financial Institutions, Exchange Houses, as well as Entities that Manage Retirement and Bank Pension Records.
DoMUS® Solutions for Banking and Finance:
Client Folders: Individuals and Legal Entities. Once the documents of each folder have been digitalized, the information of each account can be accessed from the Banking Core, according to the previously defined permissions.
Checks: DoMUS® Check, Integration with Lectoclassifiers to digitalize, classify and consult Checks, either from DoMUS® Check in the Clearing departments as integrated to the Banking Core or from the web through HomeBanking.
Signatures: The Signature Cards linked to the Accounts and the Customers are digitalized and classified in DoMUS® so when integrated with the Banking Core, transactions can be validated and authorized by visualizing the image in digital format.
Others: HR Files, Risk Folders, Applications, Vouchers, Guarantees, Invoices, Contracts, etc.
Some of our success cases:
Últimas Novedades y Casos de Éxito DoMUS
Some cases to highlight in Banking and Finance
• HSBC – Uy
• Banco Santander – Uy
• Bancard – Py