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    Accion Point

    Accion Point is a technology company specialized in the development, configuration and implementation of business solutions based on information technology, helping its clients discover new paths in the era of Digital Transformation. It provides consulting services, custom software development and application maintenance for different industries.

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    An experienced team of specialized professionals from IncluIT provide the Quality Assurance Service to guarantee that your Bantotal implementation will meet the expectations of your clients, with the flexibility and need for adaptation that the Fintech market requires.

    We provide a versatile service that adapts to the needs of each project, with the possibility of expanding its scope at any time during implementation. We have multiple experiences both in Financial Markets and in the most recent trends in the World of Testing.

    With agile methodological bases, we incorporate ourselves into the organizational culture of our clients, forming a “One Team” and offering a service that works from the establishment to the maintenance of the requirements, to develop or manufacture reliable products. It is intended to increase the trust of the end customer and the credibility of the company, while improving work processes and efficiency.

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    The Software Quality Assurance (SQA) service of CPA FERRERE with a business perspective focus allows its clients to ensure software quality and efficiency, minimize process implementation times, and cut costs associated with error detection and correction.


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    Testing Service

    THESE is a Uruguayan based Software Quality Assurance company with over 10 years of experience in the field.

    Our mission is to provide our customers innovative solutions through our quality control services, carried out by our qualified team of experts, focusing on the early detection of incidents that would allow us to anticipate further issues and optimize processes, generating significant savings to our customers and a better user experience.

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