Asistente Virtual


This is SofIA, our friendly virtual assistant that integrates into the daily moments of people’s lives. SofIa will understand everything you say and will even react accordingly! This is the showcase of the Latin American award-winning interface. A milestone in Uruguayan Fintech innovation!

Asistente Virtual
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Virtual Assistant

A new way to communicate

From the “Call Center” to the personal assistant, SofIA can respond to customer inquiries quickly, simply and efficiently. At any moment, in any place!

SofIA is a novel way of communicating through your chat or voice with your institution, not only answers questions, it is also able to communicate through WebServices with your API and perform actions such as balance inquiries, transfers or online purchases.

Connection with Webservices

Connect our services to your API and provide infinite solutions to the customer at all times.

Customer Service

A new way to communicate with your customers, your company always available to satisfy their needs.

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