A new data-driven product suited for banking and financial market
This product allows users of banking and financial market to integrate all business information in an agile way, focusing on economic-financial management, allowing the visualization of key performance indicators (KPI) regarding capital, assets, profitability, efficiency and liquidity; and ensuring access to information in order to further strengthen the speed and efficiency of decision-making. It currently has more than 150 KPIs and 20 Dashboards developed and implemented in various clients with BANTOTAL® as core banking system.
El producto es una solución integral de Analytics Business Intelligence (ABI) que se presenta con un Data Warehouse con un modelo dimensional diseñado integralmente por COA para el mercado financiero, procesos de Extracción, Transformación y Carga (ETL), y un conjunto de Tableros que permiten visualizar los principales indicadores de performance acerca del capital, activos, rentabilidad, eficiencia y liquidez del cliente con un core bancario BANTOTAL®
1) Permite la gestión ágil de los principales indicadores de performance de Bancos y del mercado financiero en general fortaleciendo la velocidad y eficiencia en la toma de decisiones.
2) Incrementa las posibilidades de self-service al disponibilizar los datos en un Data Warehouse con modelado dimensional.
3) Utiliza algoritmos de Machine Learning para mejorar la experiencia de usuario.
4) Es de implementación rápida lo que permite acelerar la toma decisiones basada en datos.
1) Acceso ágil y controlado a los principales indicadores de la gestión económica-financiera de la institución.
2) Única fuente de información integrada y consolidada fortaleciendo la velocidad y eficiencia en la toma de decisiones
3) Capa de información disponible que permite mejorar la experiencia de usuario en self-service analytics.
Se utiliza en Bancos y diversas instituciones del mercado financiero que tengan implementado BANTOTAL y necesiten mejorar su experiencia de acceso a datos integrados permitiendo una visualización más transparente y autogestionada para mejorar la velocidad y eficiencia en la toma de decisiones.
SMARTBANK se implementó en 5 meses en el BANCO DE FORMOSA, en conjunto con la implementación de BANTOTAL saliendo en producción al día siguiente de que entrara en producción BANTOTAL, proveyendo información para la toma de decisiones e indicadores de la gestión económico financiera a partir del primer cierre.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations es un sistema de planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP) basado en la nube.
Implementado por Axxon Consulting, este sistema para empresas grandes o diversificadas ofrece la posibilidad de realizar un seguimiento de todas sus finanzas e inventario.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is a cloud-based solution designed to help users or customers implementing e-commerce reduce fraud costs, increase acceptance rates, and improve the customer shopping experience.
Implemented by Axxon Consulting, we help prevent payment fraud and account creation with adaptive artificial intelligence technology.
ACTICO platform is a powerful software for intelligent decision automation. It combines business rules and machine learning with automation technology to make day-to-day decisions faster and smarter. In addition, ACTICO offers preset solutions for various types of business problems in financial services e.g., manage risks, fulfill regulatory compliance obligations, and prevent fraud. ACTICO solutions combine human knowledge and artificial intelligence with powerful automation technology. The adaptive, cloud-architected software helps companies to gain agility, achieve business excellence and attain higher customer satisfaction.
PSFraud is a web application / backend system that uses which can respond in real time to the threat of fraud. PSFraud uses sophisticated mathematical and classification (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning) technology that provides self-learning capabilities. Additionally, PSFraud incorporates different best known computing techniques, combining them in the most efficient way in order to produce better external fraud detection rates on multiple channels with lower alert levels.
The learning capacity allows to continuously update the profile of each consumer or of an analysis object whose pattern you are looking for. It does this to assimilate the knowledge of the consumer or object and to automatically update the rules and parameters necessary to stop the problem. Predisoft’s analysts, however, are regularly reviewing the analysis results with your specialized staff with the aim of making sure the efficiency level is always optimal.
Predisoft has also specialized PSFraud for internal fraud detection purposes with PSFraud-Internal, and has also offers an authorizer level solution with PSFraudAuthorizer.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE) is a leading enterprise customer relationship management (CRM) solution. Implemented by Axxon Consulting, it is cloud-based and drives sales productivity, improves the value of your marketing efforts through insights, business intelligence, and streamlines campaign management.